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January 30, 2015

1/31 "Saturday"

WOD:Each partner must complete 10 reps at a time, and then switch."Chris Kyle"4 Rounds40 KB Swings (70/55) (cannot let touch floor)40 Box Jumps (30/24)40 Thrusters (95/65) (cannot let touch floor)40 Elevated Pushups (feet on box)4 - Tours in Iraq160 reps (a round) - Confirmed killsChristopher Scott “Chris” Kyle (April 8, 1974 – February 2, 2013) was a United States Navy SEAL and known as the most lethal sniper in American military history, with 160 confirmed kills.Kyle served four tours in the second Iraq war, and was awarded the Bronze and Silver Star medals multiple times. Iraqi insurgents dubbed him the “Devil of Ramadi” and offered a bounty for his head. He was shot twice, and was involved in six IED attacks.Kyle decided to spend time with his family and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2009. He remained in the spotlight after leaving the Navy and wrote a New York Times bestselling autobiography, American Sniper. Kyle was shot and killed at a shooting range by a fellow veteran on February 2, 2013, near Chalk Mountain, Texas.

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