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October 7, 2014

10/8 "Wednesday"

StrengthFitness:Back Squat, GHD Hip Extensions, Supine Ring RowsPerformance:Clean & JerkWODFitness:Double Unders (90 singles), Jumping Lunges, Toes to BarPerformance:Run, Strict Handstand Push-Ups, Pull-UpsNews:October Orders are now being taken for Stronger Faster Healthier's products. They offer 100% grassfed protein, potent fish oil, and pre-workout. Each Product type has it's own tab on our order form located below. Again, we can offer you $5 off retail + free shipping on these products. Info on products: will be placing these orders first thing Monday, October 13th. Simply fill out your name on the tabs for the products you want. As always, email us with any questions. info@badgercrossfit.com

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