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October 21, 2014

10/22 "Wednesday"

Are you on Facebook?

We have many groups on Facebook that you should be a part of for ease of communication. This blog, along with our email/FB groups are the easiest ways to stay updated at the gym. Please contact our gym staff to get added into these groups! We have an athletes page (all of you should be in this), Nutrition, Barbell, Endurance/Rowing, and Competitors. Sometimes we want to post specific topics so you don't get inundated with info that is not pertinent to you.

Social Calendar:

The up to date calendar is located on the left! Also, the main whiteboard to the right when you walk in has lots of updated info on it! Stay tuned to more events (men's and women's nights, etc.)

Power Clean + Hang Clean, Russian KB Swings, Strict Toes to Bar


Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk


Fitness and Performance:
Handstand Pushups

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