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November 24, 2014

11/25 "Tuesday"

Post by Badger CrossFit.

With regards to strength training, don't compare yourself to others. You possess a unique profile defined by height, body segment lengths, somatotype, joint shape, body mass/composition/shape, kinesthetic intelligence/coordination, satellite cell efficiency, individual muscle mass/shape/leverage/activation/fiber type composition, and hormone/enzyme levels. No two lifters are completely alike. There will inevitably be lifts that you are inherently strong and/or weak at, and there will always be lifters out there who are markedly stronger and/or possess better physiques than you. Do not let this discourage you. Progress is progress. If you're currently making gains and working hard, then be proud of your efforts regardless of where you currently stand. -Bret ContreasStrength:Fitness:Deadlift, Vertical jumps to target, Tempo Push-upPerformance:Deadlift, Broad jumps, Tempo Weighted Ring dip WOD:Fitness:Double unders, KB Swings, RowPerformance:Strict HSPU, Deadlift

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