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December 21, 2014

12/22 "Monday"

StrengthFitness: Hang Power Snatch, OH Squat, Pullup Skill WorkPerformance: Power Snatch, Pullup Skill WorkWOD:Fitness: Burpee, Back Squat, SitupsPerformance: Bar-facing Burpee, Back Squat, Toes to BarThis week's extra Aerobic Development work:Monday: Airdyne 35 minutes @ 8 RPE (80% effort)*At the top of every 5th minute, row 1:45/500m split for 60 sec.Tuesday: Row 45 minutes*Top of every 5th minute, 3 wall walks, 20 Double-unders, 20 Back ExtensionsFriday: 10 RoundsRow 60 secs at 1:45/500m (1:50 women)Run 200m at 100%Rest 3 minutesNews for this week!Hope everyone had a great weekend! Few things to note for this week:1. We have a limited schedule for Wednesday. Thursday we are closed. Friday we have only 3 classes. Please stay tuned to the schedule or here for any changes.

2. I will be posting all extra Aerobic Development on Monday's blog post or in this group. This is to be done +/- 3 hours from the day's WOD. I will list each day's sessions. These sessiosn are for those with the goals of the Open or other fitness goals. Please talk to a coach before proceeding with these.3. Performance group will also have extra strength/skill/gymnastics work to do. This is for people whom we have already talked to. We will explain this a bit more after this week or next week.4. We are adding in another later Sunday AM class. Right now we have 8:30a rowing and 9:30a group class. We are adding a 10:30a class with Coach Eric. Some of you wanted to get in earlier. Let's fill that one up too!5. Christmas is a time for family and friends and loved ones. Do not worry about missing a day or two this week, or sticking to your guns on your diet. There are 363 other days of the year to worry about. Stay home if you can't make it, and perform a home WOD. Here's a list of bodyweight workouts you can do:…/0B7HSJg7IcSg0YzA3MGQ3ZWQtM…/view…6. Keep working hard, share in the struggles and the joys. Lift eachother up, don't put your stuff away until all are completed in the WOD, fist bump often. Be a part of the community; say hi to those you have never met or seen. Tis the season to be merry.See you all in the gym,Coach Tyler

Post by Badger CrossFit.

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