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September 3, 2014

9/4 "Thursday"


This is what gets you through your WOD or your skill or your strength section when the going gets tough.

It is what guides you through the dark place, the place where all of your demons are screaming at you to stop.

That dark place where your demons are screaming at you to forget your goals, to forget your dreams, to forget what you told yourself you could do when you walked in the door.

Your heart silences them.

Your heart keeps you holding on for one more rep, it helps you have the confidence to add the 2.5# plates and get under it, it pushes you out of the bottom of your dip or gets your chin over the bar.

Heart is what makes you drive harder, push faster and pull stronger.

It is not something that you can change overnight, you do not just wake up one day and have the ability to push through any amount of pain.

Heart is won in many small battles against yourself. It is won when you take one less break, hold on for one more rep, row just a few seconds faster, lift just a few pounds heavier.

Heart is won when you sit on the floor crumpled, gasping for air and shaking, when you look back and know you could not have tried any harder.

Heart is won when you lay it all on the line, win or lose, you give it every last drop in your tank.

"A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements."
-Orison Swett Marden

*Courtesy of JournalMenu


Fitness: Deadlifts, handstands, broad jumps
Performance: Power Clean, Hang clean, Clean


Fitness: Squat cleans, Run
Performance: Cleans, Rope Climb


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