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October 15, 2014

10/16 Wednesday

Amazing job to all who completed the Paleo Challenge! It was a long 30 days for some and not bad for others. Some may not have completed it and some may have. It's where you are at. Today is a new day and you all have the tools to become your best self. Some learned that paleo is not for them, some learned it is. Either way, this was a learning opportunity. Your results are what they are. And it's directly in correlation with what effort you put into things. Again, congrats to everyone on completing the challenge! Feel free to reach out to us at to share your results(testimonies, pictures, PRs, etc.) so that we can celebrate these achievements together! Also feel free to email any feedback or suggestions for the next challenge!Those of you who would like to schedule your follow-up bioimpedance analysis, please email Robin at! This is FREE!!Strength:Fitness and PerformanceSame movements as in WODWOD:Fitness and PerformanceRow, DB Snatch, Double-Unders, Hand-Release Push-Ups, Box Jumps (24/20), Thrusters (95/65)

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