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September 18, 2014

9/19 "Friday"

Strength:Fitness:Handstand progressions and Handstand WalkingPerformance:Back SquatWOD:Fitness:Ground to Overhead, C2B Pull-Ups, RunPerformance:Bar Muscle-UpsStrict Handstand Push-UpsPush PressVolunteer:Any folks out there interested in picking up rocks some time this Saturday for a local community garden?Victory Garden Initiative, a community garden in Milwaukee, is looking for some help moving rocks before a fundraising event that they're putting on!...they probably saw some of you walking around with your crazy muscles and "Badger" shirts.Shoot me an email at if you're interested! I'll provide you with further information once I hear back from our contact there regarding details! They're also serving food from their garden afterward Let me know!Congratulations:-Congrats to member, Gabe Mack, who just had a healthy baby!-Congratulations also to members, Roy and Robin Sadler who just had the grand opening of their chiropractic company, "True Health Chiropractic and Wellness"!! Check them out here> talk a lot about sugar, processed food, allergens, etc. but I don’t think we’ve posted a ton on good flora or gut bacteria! So, let’s talk about it! The health of your gut flora is actually a HUGE factor in how well your body works. Check out more on it in this easy read put together by the whole30.'re putting in an order for RX bars next week! Add yourself to the spreadsheet below and reach out with questions.>

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