[caption id="attachment_4970" align="alignnone" width="624"] Fran![/caption]Partner WOD:800m partner med-ball run100 plate to overhead (45/35)100 Goblet Squats (70/55)100 Toes to bar100 BurpeesBoth partners work on the same exercise but only one partner can work at a time. Reps can be broken out however the team desires, but teams cannot move to the next exercise until all reps have been complete. Non-working partner must hold plankComp WOD:A1. Power snatch 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 20 secondsA2. High box jumps 1.1.1x6; rest 3 minB1. TnG deadlift 10, 10, 10; rest 2 minB2. Push jerk clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 15 seconds/rest 3 minWOD:2 muscle ups on the minute for 12 min+12 min AMRAP:3 deadlift 275/1855 box jumps 36/3010 toes to bar