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January 17, 2012

1/17 WOD: 2011 CF Games Master's WOD #4

NEW FLASH: This Saturday, from 8-10AM, we are hosting the lululemon CrossFit Challenge; a challenge in which many athletes from our gym and around the community are coming to together in the spirit of competition – Brew City CF and CF Milwaukee. The highest scores will be rewarded!We’re doing the workout “Fight Gone Bad” every half hour with a first come, first served basis on the wods. We have enough equipment for 15 athletes every half hour, so it should go quick.We are not having regular classes or a single free class this day. Essentially, from 8-10AM, everyone and anyone is welcome for free.The first FGB heat starts at 8:30, then 9, and finally, 9:30. If you want to experience one of the most famous CrossFit workouts, a fun little competition, and wonder why it took you so long to be in the best shape of your life, don’t wait! Sign up on our website and click the Facebook event below as well. Press 1) 5 x 65%, 2) 5 x 75%, 3) max reps x 85%.WOD: 10 HSPU, 20 Wall Balls, 30 Toes-to-bar, 40 Power Cleans, 50 Burpees, 60 Sumo DLHP.[fbphotos id=254515451287790 limit=10 rand=1]

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