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January 19, 2013

1/18 WOD: "Helen"

Benchmarks!!! We rotate them every 3 months here at BCF to gauge our fitness and it's incredible to see the ongoing excellence we have in the gym. PRs happen all the time here because we keep the stimulus ever-changing. We are stronger, have more endurance, our stamina is up -- we do it all... And it will continue to improve if we do the things said by your coaches and come in consistently. Never neglect your mobility and recovery process (sleep, rest days, food) either. Keep it up!!!Strength: Front squats 1) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 – 3 rep @ 75% -rest 1 minute2) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 – 2 rep @ 80% -rest 1 minute3) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 – 1 rep @ 85%WOD: "Helen" 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 kb swings (55/35), 12 pullups[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**RSVP to classes starting February 1st! Directions and instructions on this coming soon…**Please be sure you’ve completed the EFT draft form for 2013. If you need one, please look in the office or let a coach know.**You must sign up for the bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form[/learn_more]

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