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January 23, 2012

1/23 WOD: "Angie"

Event: We are hosting CF Milwaukee and Cream City CrossFit at our place on February 18th, 2012 for an Olympic Weightlifting meet. It's available to anyone who wants to give their skills a shot, beginner to advanced. If you are a member of those gyms and/or ours, or another gym, please consider giving this a shot! It's different, but super fun.Warm-Up: 20-shoulder press, 15-push press, 10-split, jerks.Skill: Max box jump height.Strength: Dead-lifts 1) 3 x 70%, 2) 3 x 80%, 3) max reps x 90%.WOD: ."Angie" 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats.Recovery: Cobra, seated forearm, and banded shoulder stretches.

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