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January 5, 2012

1/5 WOD: You can't fix a body you hate.

I hear this often, mostly from the ladies (which I understand, as the media sure doesn't make it easy to live up to this unrealistic expectation), but even some men have an issue with this. We all must learn to love our body, love what were given, and work with the capabilities/genetics you were given. My job is to push you out of your comfort zone, ensure you are doing it properly/safely, and make better than yesterday -- basically pushing your genetics/capabilities to their limit, forcing you to get better. It's your job to ensure your mind is in the right place, focus on the task at hand, and work your butt off for 1 hour a day. But when body image issues arise, nothing I say or do can help you. You must find the power from within. Please read this article if you have that issue.

Strength: Bench - Find new 1 RMWOD: 25 burpee buy-in... then four rounds of 5-Muscle Ups, 10-Dead-Lifts 245/165, 15-V-Situps and 30 DUsL-2: 5-Muscleup attempts, progressions or assists , 185/135. L-1: 15 pull-ups and ring dips, 195/95.

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