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October 19, 2013

10/19 "Collins"

WOD:“Collins”10 rounds5 thrusters (135/95)19 Hand-release Pushups13 box jumps (30/24) *Must step down from boxLance Cpl. Jeremiah M. Collins, Jr., 19, of Milwaukee, Wis., died Oct. 5 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to Combat Logistics Regiment 2, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.We're writing about Collins on this Saturday, because today his funeral was held. Thanks to all those who participated in this WOD for one of our own Hometown Heroes.10 - Month he died. 5 - Day he died. 19 - Age 13 - Year he died.

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