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October 2, 2012

10/2 WOD: Insecurity

In today's society, insecurity is often blanketed with other things for comfort - the right clothes, the right car, bragging, the perfect body, the best of brand names... you name it. And sometimes, people hide behind the cloak of Facebook or other means via computer. Often, these blankets are uncovered and fear of not belonging, not being accepted and not being liked come into mind. Then come things that slowly eek our their way into our lives - debt, relationships broken/bad marriage, physical tolls like anorexia, depression, etc. It's sad, but it is true. Insecurity is in all of us, but it's what you do with it that will determine your outcome with it.I want you all to come into BCF knowing that you are accepted as an athlete and person. I don't care the brand car you drive, what clothes you wear (if at all, ha! we all like to WOD with our shirts off), the kind of lotion you use, the pointless materialistic things... When you come through our doors, you're going to improve physically and mentally. Clear your mind of the fears, the insecurities, for just ONE HOUR out of your day. Make your WOD one of the things you CAN control - form, technique, mental fortitude.Strength: 7X1 Clean (hang above knee) + 2 Split Jerks – heaviest you can. Rest 60 sec..WOD: 50-double unders, 50-push press, 50-double unders, 50-situps (GHD for advanced athletes ONLY), 50-double unders, 50 back squats, 50 double unders.RX: 95 / 65, L-2: 75% 1RM shoulder press.[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**Halloween Party/Social WOD, Friday, Oct 19th! Details are here!**BCF In-House Fall Throwdown is ON! YOU MUST SIGN UP here!**CrossFit Endurance started! If you are interested but couldn’t make it, please consider signing up for our next session (if the current one is successful).**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]

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