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October 23, 2013

10/24 "Thursday"

Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM of the following complex: Hang snatch + Behind the neck push-press + Snatch balanceWOD:Run 800m20 Muscle-Ups (x2 C2B, Pull-ups)Run 400m40 Push Press 115/75#Run 800mImportant member news!-If you have not yet filled out our online waiver please do so ASAP! you can fill it out here- Even if you have already filled out a paper waiver with us, we still need you to fill out the online version!-We moved our retail items-i.e food, clothing, and the like, to the soon to be lounge area! These items are located on the wall outside of the bathroom, in the three black storage cabinets. Purchasing these items work the same as it did when retail was located in the office. Legibly write your name and complete information for items purchased on the appropriate clip board, which can be found on the shelf next to the cabinets. Staff will then charge the card we have saved on file for you, in your zen planner account. You may pay for these items with cash or check but it must be put in an envelop with your name and item purchased written on it, then put on the desk in the office. Cash or check purchases need to be paid for the day of purchase!

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