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October 25, 2011

10/26 WOD: 2011 CF Games WOD #5

It's finally starting to happen!! There is a shift in mainstream mentality about the beauty of women. Its not about being skinny, or looking like those models on the runway that couldn't pick up their own laundry if they needed to. Its not about just looking a certain way to be a "trophy". Its about being capable to live your life, to not be weak, to not be confined by what the world tells you to be like. Its about being strong! Its about being powerful! Its about being beautiful!!! Women today finally have the ability to be strong and beautiful. It's an exciting time for women to be feminine, and strong, beautiful and powerful............a today's woman! STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!Strength: Front Squat 1) 5 x 65%, 2) 5 x 75%, 3) 5+ x 85%WOD:2011 CrossFit Games WOD #520 minute AMRAP5 Power cleans, 10 T2B, 15 Wall BallsRx: 145/105#, 20/14 L2: 105/75#, 14/10Recovery: Lacrosse ball MFR, knees, t-spine, shoulders.

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