What fires you up? Do you get pissed at a bunch of stuff though out the day? Do you get frustrated during a workout? There are so many things that can side swipe us from the goal we are trying to achieve. And out of those things, there will be some things that we are able to deal with or work with, and other things that are completely out of our control. Being that you only have a certain amount of energy to expend towards your task at hand, save your energy by only dealing with what you work with. All of those things that are out of your control, leave them be and don't worry about it. There may be some things that kind of suck but if you cant fix it or change it then just do what you can and not worry about it. Chris Spealler said that at the Games this year, he had everything that he could control handled. This is a great confidence builder. Its good to know that you have done everything you could have done. In the VERY FIRST event, he has issues with his fins in the swim and then loses his wedding ring all within the first 200m. He couldn't do anything about it then so he just continued. then during the second part of that event, he started to have some severe cramping. He had a 7 mile run through some huge hills in intense heat. Again, he couldn't change the temp or the trail so all he could do was do the best he could. Feeling bad about the situation, being bummed on the conditions, being bummed that he was cramping, etc are all just bad thoughts. None of them would have helped him to the finish. You need to be able to do the same thing. No matter how bad things get, deal with it and work with what you can control. Keep yourself moving forward and don't stop to feel sorry for yourself. Just keep moving!! You will make it!GRASSFED MEAT UPDATE::: Payment for the 13# share of GF beef is due Thursday the 11th!!! Please check the list here. Payment can be made to VDL GrassFed. Please ensure you are paid and can pick up on Saturday before the group WOD.Strength: 5X3 High-Hang Cleans + 1 Split Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.WOD: 4 rounds of 5 muscle-ups, 10 front squats (135/95), 30 double unders.Scaled: 10 CTB pullups, 10 dips instead of 5 muscle-ups.[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**Halloween Party/Social WOD, Friday, Oct 19th! Details are here!**BCF In-House Fall Throwdown is ON! YOU MUST SIGN UP BY NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY! here!**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]