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November 11, 2011

11/11 WOD(s): Veteran's Day!

Our AM group did the following:Individual Warm-up: 20-butterfly pull-upsStrength: Squat 1) 3 x 70%, 2) 3 x 80%, 3) 3+ x 90%WOD: 400m run, 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Hand Stand Push-Ups, 400m runRX: 95/65 L-2: 75 / 55, L-1: 35 / stink bugsThe PM group travelled to CF Milwaukee for the WOD for Warriors WOD:11 Rounds:11 Exercises11 Reps eachto be executed in 2 person teams 1- Burpees2- Tuck Jumps3- HSPU - buddy holds feet4- Ring dips5- Sit-ups6- Air Squats7- Deadlift (135/95)8- Pullups (any type)9- Press (45/25 plates)10- Jumping Lunges11- 11 meter fireman's carry

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