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November 13, 2012

11/13 WOD: CrossFit is for life

[caption id="attachment_4636" align="alignnone" width="626"] LOTS of new rowers in. Black is cooler. Be ready to run/row all winter, but in case it's real chilly, we're now better prepared.[/caption]We fail in here because we don't want you to fail at life. You are here to be broken down so we can build you up. The whole point is to not suck at life. To do this, you must 'suck' in here. Embrace the suck, because it will make you elite.Life is full of situations, most of which involve conditions that are out of your control. Why not be prepared for anything? If your training program has variety, intensity and trains you in many different ways then you will be prepared for a wider variety of situations. One of the main principles of CrossFit is to increase your General Physical Preparedness (GPP). Your training at BCF will increase your GPP so you are better able to handle the unexpected demands of life. In that spirit, get out there and eat clean, train hard, be prepared, and LIVE! 3-2-1 GO!Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Power CleanWOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:Sumo-deadlift Hi-pull (95/65)Box jump overs (box jump to the other side - jump on box and over - hips don’t have to be open)**10 burpees after every set.[learn_more caption="CLICK FOR NEWS"]**WOD Journals and Speed Ropes are in stock! Contact us if you want one!**New bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]

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