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November 28, 2012

11/27 WOD: AMRAP This

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Grey in the proper rack position.[/caption]Everyday is a new day to hit the reset button and start again. If yesterday you did not get the PR's you wanted, or your workout didn't go as planned, or you had just a bad day, then today is a chance to fix anything that went wrong. Don't waste it. Take advantage of the chance to make things better and to get closer to achieving what you want to achieve. SEIZE THE DAY!!!BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here!Strength: 5X5 Back Squats @ 75% – rest 90 sec.WOD: 5 rounds for total reps3:00 AMRAP of:10 tuck jumps10 KBS (55/35)5 box jumps 24/20″5 Thrusters (115/75#)*Rest 1:00 after each AMRAP.[learn_more caption="News"]**BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here!**The Oly Class and Competitor Classes are now combined at 10am!**New bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more][fbphotos id=413176888754978]

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