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November 28, 2013

11/29 "Friday"

The WOD for tomorrow is TBD, but get ready to come in and work off those Thanksgiving food babies!Also, consumerism is overrated! Here is a list of 11 things you can do instead of black friday shopping...1. Brush the dog.2. Write a thank you letter to someone who has made your life better.3. Get outside.4. Spend time with the people you would otherwise be buying gifts for.5. Babysit your sibling’s kids.6. Cook a meal for someone.7. Wash your mother’s car(if it gets a little warmer??)8. Clean out your closet and donate the clothes you don’t wear anymore.9. Give your sweetie a foot rub.10. Pick up the instrument you haven't played in years.11. Go for a run.(**from horny

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