Do you know what fortitude is? Here's the definition: "mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously". How much do you have? This is one of those things where only you can look in the mirror and really answer it. From a coaches perspective its really interesting to see when someone really gets pushed how their TRUE person comes out. You will see their true colors, their true strengths and their true weakness. And where your mind goes when you first see the WOD is a pretty accurate assessment of how you view challenges. Do you pout, complain, shy away and say, 'crap that is a lot of thrusters (insert other crappy exercise here)' or do you say, 'I can do that..." Your time in the gym represents your approach to many things you do in life. Yes, the hour spent with me can determine how chug through life the other 23 hours of the day. Sure, we're just a gym, but we're much more than that.Yes, tonight was hard, I know. I do 95% of the WODs before you guys do (if it's any consolation - aka the guinea pig). But you know what? I've not seen such encouragement and amazing fortitude than what I saw from some of you tonight. Life is a battle and Badger CrossFitters are ready. Be proud. Be thankful. Be amazed at what you're doing. Forging Elite Fitness -- Badger-style. HIT IT!
Strength: Clean 1) 5 x 40%, 2) 5 x 50%, 3) 5 x 60%, New clients find 1RM.WOD: 3 rounds - 400m run, 30 double unders, 25 thrusters (95/65)