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December 12, 2013

12/13 "Friday

Check out the accessory shoulder work video, recommended by coach Eric!

WOD:"Small-su Kalsu"100 Thrusters (95/65)*Every time you drop the bar, perform 10 burpees.Member info: Please consider donating a christmas present to Toys for Tots! There is a bin located in the lounge! It will be picked up between the 16th and 18th so please bring your toys in before then! Let's fill that box to the brim!Gifts should be unwrapped.We will be making special orders of RX Bars on the 15th of each month. Orders are to made by quantity of boxes(there are 10 in a box and each box is 30.00). If you would like to place an order please fill in your name, quantity of boxes, and flavor in this google spreadsheet> will need your order before the 15th of each month and we won't charge you until your order comes in.

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