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December 15, 2012

12/15 WOD: 12 Days of Christmas - Partner!

“12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS”1 Christmas Power Snatch (95# / 65#)2 Ring dips3 Burpees4 Pull-ups5 Toes-2-Bar6 Push-ups7 Air-Squats8 Jumping Lunges (each jump = 1)9 Box Jumps (20″ for Men & Women)10 10′ Wall-Balls (20# / 14#)11 KBS (53# / 36#)12 Thrusters (95# / 65#)This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Christmas Power Snatch, Round 2 = 2 Ring Dips and 1 Power Snatch ….etc. Until all 12 rounds are complete. Both partners complete all # of reps for that movement. Go back and forth until complete.

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