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December 17, 2013

12/18 "Wed"

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible." ~Arthur C. ClarkeWOD:4 rounds30 KB Swings 55/35#14 Pistols (alternating)7 Hang Cleans (power or squat) 185/125#Member News:-We're working on some kinks with our blog and we apologize for any frustration for the WOD not being posted or not being posted on time. Please be patient with us as we work out these issues.-If you have not yet done so, please pick up what you won from the Christmas Party raffle! Items are located in the office. I specifically request that the winner of the "movie basket" pick up their item soon. The starburst are staring me in the face every day and I swear they will be gone in 3 days(if not sooner).-If there's enough interest, we're going to be ordering RX bars this month! If you'd like a box or two, fill out the appropriate information in this spread sheet.> may have been a few times where you weren't able to sign in to zen planner, at the lap top. If this happens, please sign in to the binder below the computer labeled "Badger CrossFit Back-Up Attendance Check-In". At the end of the week, we will appropriately adjust attendance records based on the names and times written.

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