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December 2, 2013

12/3 "Tuesday"

AMRAP 1740 Burpees30 Power Cleans 95/65/45#30 Burpees30 Power Cleans 135/75/55#20 Burpees30 Power Cleans 165/100/75#10 burpeesME Power Cleans 210/120/100#Check out some of BCF's sweet new toys!Work on improving your grip by hanging on these for as long as possible or work your pull ups on here.We just got a ton of these in! Look for them in an upcoming workout;)Important member news!If you haven't already, please show some love for your home gym by voting for BCF as "Best Crossfit Gym"!!! The BCF christmas party is coming up! Dec. 13! Be there! Burke's Irish Castle! 7:30pm! If you're planning to be there please respond to the facebook invite!If you're not on facebook or haven't received the invite over facebook, let us know by emailing!We are in the middle of giving the lifting platforms a paint job! Please stay off of them until we give you the heads up that they are finished. They are going to look sweet! You're not going to want to lift on anything else!

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