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See those squares around the DLs and mile times? Yep, PRs. The women's gym record was broke twice today; 275# by Cassy in the AM and then Brie at 300# in the PM. Dustin tied the GR at 485#.[/caption]Obviously the most popular characteristics out of the 10 that we hit are the Strength, Power, Speed and Endurance. The ones that many times get left out are the Balance, Flexibility, Agility, and Coordination. When we do skill type workouts these will usually tap straight into these. However many won't do them or take them serious because they aren't of the normal barbell and running workouts. These skill workouts transfer over into so many other things we do. Isn't it important to have shoulder strength and be able to push strictly from your shoulders? YES! Is it the most efficient way to move weight overhead? NO but we need to be strong in all areas. With funky moves like a Turkish Get-up, it may be hard to see where the "workout" is. It's all easy on the first couple but once you throw it into the mix with some other things under a time frame, now it is much more difficult to keep that bell overhead and stable the whole time as your breathing hard. Keeping your core tight, being able to balance an object under duress is a is something that we do on job sites everyday whether you are a fire fighter, a carpenter or a waitress. Don't shrug off the skill work!! It will help you more than you know!!BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here! PLEASE DO BY DECEMBER 8TH!Skill: Pick a skill - hollow rocks, muscle-ups, ring holds - spend 5 min on.Strength: 20 min to est 1RM deadlift.WOD: Run 1 mile for time AFAP.Then immediately 21-15-9 of kb swings (70/55) and T2B[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here!**New bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]