Have you ever noticed that you will do a workout with multiple rounds and you will see that your first round has very high reps or is really fast. The next round drops off sharply, the following rounds are also down and then the final round is up much higher than all of the middle ones? WHY??? Well the simple answer is that you are "gaming" the workout. This means that you are pacing yourself. This definitely has applications especially if you are in a competition. You don't want to hit that line and just crumble. But do you really know where that line is? Have you ever really tested yourself to see just how far you could go? When you get close you will definitely feel the pain, the burn, but what would happen if you kept on going? I challenge you to try this sometime: when you do a workout, see how far you can possibly go WITHOUT stopping to rest or take a break. Its going to sting, and probably burn pretty bad but you will never know where you can really go unless you try. This is much more difficult that you think it would be. It's not normal to put yourself into a place of discomfort but you truly have no idea what you can do until you test yourself out. Test it! See what you can do. When we get a workout that has you going for max reps, then do just that. And max reps means that you are unable to do anymore at all! Test yourself! See what you can do!BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here! PLEASE DO BY DECEMBER 8TH!Strength: 20 min to est 1RM pressWOD: 3 rounds for time of 18 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ 28 KBS (55/35) 38 Barbell Squat Jumps (45/35# bar)[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here!**New bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]