We will be creating many more videos such as this for our athletes! We will break down the form, show what is wrong/right and make you move better. Stay tuned. Special shout out to Ian for the amazing video camera!Is there anything that you wish you could do or bummed that you haven't done yet? What stopped you from doing it? There are many things that stop us: fear, inabilities, lack of self confidence, lack of dedication, etc. When I look at this list, I can't help but think of failure. It's us failing ourselves. We are incredible beings with amazing skills and abilities. But it is up to us to use what we have to achieve the maximum from what we have been given physically and mentally. I know that we are all built a little bit differently, but positive thinking and dedication to what you want to accomplish can do so much! Have you ever heard of Kyle Maynard? He is a motivational speaker that has stubs for arms and stubs for legs. He was a champion wrestler, has opened a CrossFit Gym, is a powerlifter, MMA fighter, etc. He is the epitome of positive thinking and his life is about not letting things get in his way....no excuses!!! Just think of all the things your could accomplish if you thought like he did. So the next time you don't feel like working out or you start to give up on something that you want to accomplish, think of Kyle Maynard.......and crush it!!!
BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here! PLEASE DO BY DECEMBER 8TH!Strength: 20 min to est 1RM bench pressWOD: Run 400m21 C2B Pullups12 KB or DB Thrusters (55/35 if KB 50/35 if DB). *USE 2 DB or KBRun 400m15 C2B Pullups9 KB or DB Thrusters (55/35 if KB 50/35 if DB)Run 400m9 C2B Pullups6 KB or DB Thrusters (55/35 if KB 50/35 if DB)[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**BCF Christmas Party December 15th at 7pm! Details RSVP here!**New bootcamp/TRX class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]