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February 20, 2013

2/20 "Balance"

Watching the epic Harlem shake video made me appreciate the BCF community even more. It’s awesome that we can come together as a community to work out, do social WODS, support one another in our nutrition goals, and even participate in ridiculous youtube trends together. Though it sounds like a stretch, watching the Harlem shake video reminded me of balance.

We try to balance our work with fun and maybe the junk food(that we never eat because we’re crossfitters) with healthy food(even though we always eat this way! Right?!!?!), but are we balancing our workouts with recovery? By recovery, I mean Rest+ Maintenance. On your days off, why not perform simple maintenance steps to ensure that your muscles, joints, ligaments, etc. are ready for the next workout. Where merely “resting” may take you 2-3 days to return to full strength, “recovering” could have you good to go the next day! Utilize the foam rollers, bands, and lacrosse balls in the gym and check out !

***The best CrossFitters around set aside ample time for recovery techniques and practices. Don’t forget that mobility is just as much a part of “overall fitness” as strength!P.S. here's the WOD:)Strength: 3x10 Back Squat-heaviest possible. Done as quickly as possible (NO REST at top for more than 2 seconds)WOD: 5 rounds for time of 4 power cleans @80%8 HSPU40 Double unders1 minute OH plate hold(45/35)[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**CrossFit Games 2013 DETAILS HERE**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]

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