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February 22, 2013

2/22 "Chris"

Former US Navy SEAL sniper, Chris Kyle, regarded as America's best known combat sniper, was found murdered along with Chad Littlefield at a gun range near Stephenville, Texas, on Saturday, February 2nd 2013. Over the course of his 10 year military career, Kyle had 160 confirmed kills.

Kyle received two Silver stars and five Bronze medals for valor. Chris kyle was 38 years old and is survived by his wife and two children.

We complete this work out today in honor of him .

Strength: Push Press - 1-1-1-1-1-1

"Chris"38 Front Squats [115/75#]40 Double Unders38 CTB Pull Ups40 Double Unders38 Push Press [115/75#]40 Double Unders38 TTB40 Double Unders38 Power Cleans [115/75#]

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