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February 25, 2013

2/25 "Goals

With the Green bay competition completed(congrats BCF athletes!) and the Crossfit Opens right around the corner I've been thinking more about goals! JulieFoucher, an incredible competitor from last year's Games, who trained while simultaneously being in med-school, has some insightful things to say about setting goals. This is from her blog...

  1. Identify your goals and what motivates you, deep down, to achieve them. Why do you want to compete in the CrossFit Games? Or pursue a particular degree, or job? Will this reason be enough to sustain you when the path toward this goal becomes dark and windy?
  2. Decide how much time you have to dedicate to each goal. No matter who you are, there are only 24 hours in a day. My engineering degree is more than a year old now, but I can still do this math: the more goals you have, the less time you have to spend on each one. Family, friends, jobs, etc are all important – prioritize and make sure you spend time on the things that matter most to you.
  3. Work like crazy with the time you have dedicated to each goal to reach and surpass it. Give 100% effort to whatever you are doing in each moment of time.*
  4. Have reasonable expectations. If you only dedicate 3 hours per week to training, no matter how hard you work during those 3 hours it might be unreasonable to expect to stand on top of the podium at next year’s CrossFit Games (but hey, who’s to say?).
  5. Avoid the temptation to compare yourself to others who have completely different lives and sets of goals. If you are dedicating 3 hours per week of training it would be hard to compare yourself to another athlete in the CrossFit Games Open or Regionals who has the luxury of putting in 15 hours. Stand firm in your original motivations and the goals you set for yourself and celebrate each of your personal accomplishments.
  6. Take time to reflect. As you work steadily toward your goals, it is important to periodically stop and notice your progress. Notice whether your goals or motivations have changed, and re-direct as necessary.

Strength: 5X1 3-Position Clean (low to high) + Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.WOD: AMRAP 15 of 5 power cleans (165/110#), 10 T2B, 15 wall balls (20/14#)Check out the news below! There's some important stuff in there! [learn_more caption="NEWS"]

**CrossFit Games 2013 DETAILS HERE

This month we started a new online reservation system (RSVP) to give us the ability to control attendance, ensure coaching is adequately staffed, equipment is not strained, and people are being coached with a proper ratio. It's been about 3 weeks now and I'm going to give you some results (not good):

**187 of you have RSVP'd to classes and did not show up or sign in (the system see's both things as the same). 90% of the time it was probably because you forgot to sign-in.

**76 of you have ATTENDED to class but did not RSVP.

Updates: You can now cancel 2 hours before the class begins. If you cannot make it, you will be dinged with the consequences below. The RSVP instructions are on the DOWNLOAD section of our website.


1.We're adults here. SIGN-IN!!! Everyone, including our coaches must do this. No excuses.

2. You MUST RSVP to attend class. No excuses.

3. Consequences will be as follows 1-warning 2-a call or email from to see why you cannot grasp this and 3-penalty of a monetary value or deny entry to class. No excuses.

*Please be sure you’ve completed the EFT draft form for 2013. If you need one, please look in the office or let a coach know. They are also in the download section.

**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.


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