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February 5, 2013

2/5 WOD: Max C&J

[caption id="attachment_5067" align="alignnone" width="561"] Banded DLs[/caption]

"One of the best things about competition is that it forces you to actually see where you are in your training. You are forced to do weights that you don't get to choose. You don't get to count a rep that really wasn't good. It shows you what thing you need to work on. Do you need to up your engine? Do you need some more strength? Do you need to do some mobilization? All of these things happen in the gym. With our programming you will increase all of these things if you put the time into it at the gym. If you need to increase the motor, then when you feel like you want to stop, do AT LEAST one more rep. The more you do this the longer you will be able to go. Keep track of your rest times and force yourself to go and your conditioning will increase. If you need to increase the strength, you will only get stronger if you lift heavy. Also, work on the proper technique for the movements. The more efficient your moves are the more weight you will be able to move. And lastly, don't think that you don't need to mobilize. This is something that isn't only needed if you are sore, but its needed as a precautionary measure to keep the muscle fibers sliding. This all happens in the gym. You want to get better? Here is where it happens!!"

Strength: 15 min to est. 1RM Clean & JerkWOD: AMRAP 820 burpees, 20 pistols (alt), 10 push jerks (145/100)--then (no rest)3 min ME lateral jumps over bar.[learn_more caption="NEWS"]**Please be sure you’ve completed the EFT draft form for 2013. If you need one, please look in the office or let a coach know. They are also in the download section.**You must sign up for the bootcamp class on Saturday at 7am! Sign up here!**Want to stay updated with BCF? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcf2 and you’re in. Follow the directions.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]

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