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March 11, 2013

3/11 "Comparisons"

"Comparison is the thief of joy"-Theodore Roosevelt"When were we taught to compare ourselves to others? When were we taught that what someone else did was better than what we did? Did it start in grade school when we got picked last for the kickball team? Or maybe in high school when our classmate did something right while we were scolded for doing the opposite? Or was it when we got older and our best friend lifted more than we did at the gym?Whatever the situation may be, we compare ourselves. We compare ourselves to friends, classmates, coworkers, and even our significant others. We worry about what others are accomplishing and dwell on what we have not. And while worrying, we forget our own accomplishments. We forget our goals. And we forget how far we have come. After 13.1, maybe some of us found ourselves comparing our scores with our cross fit neighbor.I see myself and others comparing others to themselves all the time. I watch them stare at another person’s barbell while they load their own. I watch them worry about beating another person’s time so much they completely throw form out the door. And I watch others sink into frustration and sadness when they don’t beat their friend’s score. But what is that accomplishing? How are we improving ourselves if the only thing we are doing is steering off our own course and trying to follow the path of another?I have figured out that I don’t want to follow someone else’s path. I want to create my own destiny. And, yes, I know how lame that sounds. But I don’t want to be like anyone else. I don’t want to set my goals based on someone other than myself.I can’t lift 200lbs over my head. I can’t string together muscle ups like the athletes you watch on TV. Yet. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t worked my butt off. That doesn’t mean I don’t try. That doesn’t make me a bad athlete. It makes me human. And as humans, we have to work for what we want to accomplish. Thinking about what others have done doesn’t make us stronger. Getting in the gym, does. Blood, sweat, and tears do.So stop trying to be someone else. Start figuring out what the hell you are going to accomplish today. Then do it."( article from 5X3 Low Hang Snatch (1″ off floor) – heaviest possible, rest 60 – 90 secWOD : 100 Double-Unders5 Power Cleans @ 155/105#30 Wall Balls 20/14#10 Power Cleans @ 155/105#15 T2B20 Power Cleans @ 155/105#15 T2B10 Power Cleans @ 155/105#30 Wall Balls 20/14#5 Power Cleans @ 155/105#100 Double-Unders

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