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March 15, 2012

3/14 WOD: Skills n' a triplet!

Strength: 1RM Clean, Three attempts only, hip-line must pass below knee-line. 10:00 min cutoff.Endurance Test: 1-set of Max sit-ups in 2:00, rest must be done in up position, resting for more than :05 seconds ends the set. Rest 2 min. Then...Strength Test: 1-set of Max ring dips in 2:00, feet cannot touch ground, no bands are allowed.Met-con: 30 squat thrust buy-in. Then... 3 Rounds of 9 hang power cleans (115/85), 6 front squats, 21 kb swings (55/35)Badger CrossFit SOCIAL WOD: View details here. BCF athletes only.Running Clinic coming to BCF! Open to the public. Details here[fbphotos id=291674404238561 rand=1 limit=10]

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