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March 25, 2012

3/24 WOD: CF Games 12.5

The last and final workout! Congrats to everyone who completed this long 5 weeks! It was an experience that we all can learn from - what did I do well at, what did I not do well at? How can I improve next year? Each workout was an opportunity to see where we need work when held to a standard that is usually out of our comfort zone.We saw lots of firsts with people as well! Meghan going from not doing 1 pullup to 4. Greg doing a push press that was a PR, not just once, but 7 times! There are more like this all over!!! I couldn't be more proud of each of you. Regardless of the outcomes, it's the effort and the determination that count!!!The beauty about CrossFit is that fitness is never over - it's not a destination. The CrossFit Games are just one event. Life is forever. CrossFit can help you get to what you want to achieve in life so continue to work on what you do! But of course, if competition is your thing... Game on!Now back to our regularly scheduled programming... :)WOD: 12.5 AMRAP 7 minutes.3 thrusters, 3 chest-to-bar pullups6, 69, 9etc....

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