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March 27, 2013


Strength:7×1 Low-Hang Snatch (3 count pause) + Vertical Hi-Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.**On the Low-Hang Snatch the barbell should be deadlifted to the hang, then lowered to 1-2" off the floor. Once the barbell is in the Low-Hang position, a 3 count static pause is required. After the Low-Hang Snatch is performed, without returning the barbell to the floor, the Hi-Hang Snatch should be performed with little or no forward inclination of the torso. Try to remain as vertical as possible.WOD:75 double unders4 Rounds of 5 wall walks, 50 barbell lateral jumps, 5 jerks (155/105#)75 doubleunders

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