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March 26, 2012

3/26 WOD: "Klepto"

Strength: Dead-lifts 1) 3 x 70%, 2) 3 x 80%, 3) max reps x 90%WOD: “Klepto” 4 rounds of 27 box jumps, 20 burpees, 11 squat cleans (145/95)Running Clinic coming to BCF! Open to the public. Details here…This Saturday, Cream City CrossFit is having an Oly Lifting Day! Please contact Cream City CrossFit for details!Instead of saying you don't have time next time, say "its not my priority". This is a totally valid answer but for some choices it will sting a little bit. For example, "I'm not going to workout today because my health is not my priority". Yes it sounds harsh but the fact is that you DO have time, you just have to choice your time wisely. Choose you![fbphotos id=298425526896782]

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