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March 27, 2012

3/27 WOD: Snatch balance, Danielson...

Strength: Shoulder Press 1) 3 x 70%, 2) 3 x 80%, 3) max reps x 90%WOD: Sprint 10 seconds (outside on street), rest 15 sec. x 6 times. Rest 4 minutes then... 21-15-9 Snatch balance (95/65), 2 pood kb swing. 2 tire flips after each round.Recovery: Seated forearm, Banded shoulder, 1:00 bar hang stretches.Running Clinic coming to BCF! Open to the public. Details here…This Saturday, Cream City CrossFit is having an Oly Lifting Day! Please contact Cream City CrossFit for details!

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