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April 10, 2014

4/11 "Friday"

Friday's Movements: Strength: Bench PressWOD: Clean and jerk or Snatches(Grace/Isabel) -OR- Double-unders and Sit-ups (Annie)Members: -Please check our lost and found and pick up anything you may have left at the gym! We are taking everything to good will on Monday, April 14th, in the morning! -Badger CrossFit is partnering with Field to Fork Farms in Waukesha! They are providing both delivery and pick up options for chickens, eggs, pork, and veggies! We have all the information on the black table in the member lounge!-RX bars have been added back in the zen planner store! Feel free to take a look and place an order! The Skinny on Legumes:What are Legumes: "We’re mainly concerned with soy, peas, beans, green beans, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts. Although, some make an exception for peas and green beans because of their ability to be consumed raw and their low levels of toxins."*"Most legumes are extremely toxic in their raw state. Legumes have to be soaked, fermented, or sprouted in order to make them safer to eat."* "While they certainly aren’t the worst thing to eat, they don’t necessarily make the ideal meal either and could be put into the “OK” category with wine, chocolate, cheese, and other dairy."**On the upside…Legumes offer protein and can be good sources of minerals like potassium, but there’s also reasons on why we try to avoid them….Lectins and phytates are inherent in most foods, but they are especially high in grains and legumes. Lectins have been shown to strip away mucous from the small intestine, which causes the body difficulty in absorbing nutrients and is also one of the key causes in many autoimmune diseases. Lectins have also been found guilty of causing symptoms similar to food poisoning, even when no other pathogens were present. They are especially high in Grains(of all kinds) and legumes(especially in soy)Phytates, specifically phytic acid, have been shown to block the mineral absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Many people believe that this decreased absorption helps to explain Americans high rate of disease and osteoporosis, despite our high level of dairy consumption. Phytates have also been shown to inhibit important enzymes involved in digestion, including pepsin and amylase.”*“Also, the bioavailability of minerals in legumes is compromised by the body’s difficulty in digesting them (hence the flatulence jokes). If you’re going to include legumes in your diet, preparation is everything. Diligent and tailored soaking processes are necessary for the proper digestion and nutrient absorption of legumes.”**What about soy??“The Weston A. Price Foundation, which actually advocates the consumption of properly prepared grains and legumes, strongly advocates against large consumptions of soy. This foundation provided multiple studies that have occurred within the last 75 years documenting the dangers of soy. Here are just a few of the things that were found:-Soy leads to an increased risk of bladder cancer.-Soy fed infants have more reproductive and asthma issues as adults.-Increased consumption of soy-based tofu led to lower cognitive function later in life and a greater incidence of alzheimers.-One daily cup of soy milk can cut total sperm count in men in half. It should also be noted that as recently as 2007, 91% of all soybeans grown were genetically modified (GMO) in some way.”*And peanuts?!?!“Peanuts, along with a couple other crops we tend to avoid, like corn and cereals, are especially susceptible to a mold that produces a mycotoxin called aflatoxin.Aflatoxin is a carcinogen that has been shown to cause liver cancer in rats(and, presumably, in humans).. You won’t necessarily be getting a couple grams of aflatoxin with every bag of peanuts so acute aflatoxicosis isn’t a big issue for people – at least in the US.That’s not to suggest that correlations between aflatoxin ingestion and cancer rates in humans haven’t been found. In China, for example, a study of five groups of people from different villages found definite positive correlations between the amount of aflatoxin ingested and liver cancer mortality rates. Those villagers who ingested less aflatoxin were less likely to develop liver cancer; those who ingested more were more likely. Unsurprisingly, the three major sources of aflatoxins in this study were peanuts, peanut oil, and corn. Similar reports of aflatoxicosis have been made in India and Kenya.Also a link between aflatoxin exposure and stunted growth in West African children has been shown (bolstered by similar laboratory findings in animals), but no specific mechanism has been proposed to explain the relationship. Still, though, the very fact that much of the evidence seems to be pointing towards aflatoxin as a dangerous, development-stunting carcinogen, with a greater propensity to reside in peanuts and cereal grains, only bolsters my resolve to stay off impostor nuts and cereal grains (in or out of the closet alike). If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that increased liver cancer and stubby limbs are unequivocally devolutions.I don’t know about you, but the evidence against eating corn and peanuts and cereal grains just seems to be stacking up incredibly high. So high, in fact, that were it not for the remarkably solid foundation of facts, scientific evidence, and personal experience, I would worry it might topple over.”**The final verdict: “There is nothing in legumes that can’t be better provided by lean meats, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. So while it’s okay to have the occasional side of beans at a Mexican restaurant or veggies dipped in hummus as a snack, for most, legumes should never be more than just an occasional source of variety within diet.I would caution anybody that has any autoimmune disease or other specific issue that even a small amount of legumes can exacerbate the problem, but I don’t think this is a concern for most. Just make sure that the legumes you are consuming are in addition to the quality lean meats and vegetables you are eating, not as a replacement for them.”*Although, based on the evidence, we should be more apt to avoid soy and peanuts over other legumes.**From Marks Daily Apple *From

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