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April 11, 2014

4/12 "Saturday"

Saturday's Movements: GroupStrength: turkish get-upWOD: Row, box jumps, OH squatsPartnerWOD: Row, Box Jumps, OH squats, run, walking lunges, HSPU-Those that want to drop-in on the Oly classes with Murph for these next 8 weeks, you can! It's $10/class. Please let us know if you are interested in this. You must contact us prior to coming via phone or email (like an RSVP). Check the calendar for the most up-to-date class times, but they will typically be every Monday and Thursday night and Saturday morning.-With spring now here, summer coming, and more people outside, it's imperative that we keep an eye out for other cars coming while going in and out of spots or turning, people jogging, driveways, bikers, motorcyclists, etc. Please obey signs, do not block driveways or openings, do NOT park where you shouldn't. Thank you so much for your cooperation in this!-Just a reminder that this next week, April 13-19th, we won't be having our regularly scheduled 7am classes. However, Sara will be here if you'd like to do the WOD on the board or make up a bench mark! Please call/email ahead of time just so we have an idea of who will be here! Thanks!

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