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April 16, 2014

4/17 "Thursday"

Member News:-Looking for Grass Fed Meats from a local vendor. Check out Steve's VDL! He's taking orders and will be making drop offs to BCF next weekend! Details can be found here> - Next Wednesday(4/23, at 7:30pm) is our "You are what you eat talk back"! This is free and open to the public, so bring your family and friends! Featuring Milwaukee's own, Urban Caveman, Alan Harris, and Jen Ede, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of Edible Milwaukee Magazine!-Need to make up some bench mark wods or 1rms? We've added some open gym times to the calendar for you to come in! Check them out! -Badger CrossFit has created a community for the 2014 Granite Games in St. Cloud Minnesota! This is a 3-day competition with a format similar to the structure of the crossfit games! Details on this can be found below! or on the granite games website> www.thegranitegames.comThursday's Movements Strength(Gymnastics): Wall Climbs, Handstand Holds, Hollow rocks, Muscle up Ring RowsWOD: Push-ups, Double Unders

Granite Games Info: Sign up for the Granite Games!The Granite Games is a 3-day competition that takes place in St. Cloud, Minnesota from September 12-14th. We know it's a long drive. We had over 12 athletes last year doing it! It was fun and challenging.However, athlete sign-up opens next week on Tuesday, April 15th at 8:00am. We have registered as a Community for the Granite Games, so be sure to list Badger CrossFit as your Community when you sign up. The road to the Granite Games is similar to the Open for the CrossFit Games, but it’s a lot more inclusive. The Open Qualifier and Sectionals Process determine who can compete in the RX Individual and RX Team divisions at the Granite Games, however, the Granite Games will also have Intermediate and Scaled Team divisions that are open to everyone.There will be three Open Qualifier events that will performed at our gym. The three Open Qualifier WODs will be announced on Wednesday, June 4th, 11th and 18th, and must be completed by the following Sundays, like the CrossFit Games Open. After the completion of these three WODs, the top 200 Men and 100 Women will be invited to compete in Sectionals WODs from June 25th-June 29th. These will also be done at our gym and submitted via video. The top 72 men and 72 women will ivited to the RX division of the Granite Games. Following the Individual Sectionals, there will be Team Sectionals from July 8th-13th. The top 100 Community teams as determined by the Open Qualifier, with Individual Qualifier scores removed, will be invited to compete in Team Sectionals. Teams consist of the top 3 Men and top 3 Women from the Community.Anyone that competes in the Open Qualifier will have priority registration for the Intermediate and Scaled Team Divisions. This seems like a great way to bring a big crew up to Minnesota for a fun event. Sign up and join Badger CrossFit and represent.

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