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April 17, 2014

4/18 "Friday"

Friday's Movements: Strength: Dead LiftWOD: Run, Power Cleans, Chest to Bar Pull-upsMember News:-Our blog "scheduler" has been a bit wonky this week. Apologies for the posts showing up later than you are used to. Hopefully this will be resolved by next week! In the meantime, please be patient with us getting the blog posts posted!-Looking for Grass Fed Meats from a local vendor? Check out Steve's VDL! He's taking orders and will be making drop offs to BCF next weekend! Details can be found here> - Next Wednesday(4/23, at 7:30pm) is our "You are what you eat talk back"! This is free and open to the public, so bring your family and friends! Featuring Milwaukee's own, Urban Caveman, Alan Harris, and Jen Ede, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of Edible Milwaukee Magazine!-Need to make up some bench mark wods or 1rms? Open gym tomorrow from 7-9:00 AM! Your Friday Recipe is from the Civilized Caveman!Apple Pie Caveman Bars:Ingredients:2 cups dates, pitted1/2 cup raw macadamia nuts1/2 cup dried apples(be sure there's no sugar added!)1/4 cup raw almonds2 tbsp coconut oil, melted2 tbsp cinnamonInstructions:Place your dates, macadamia nuts, apples, and almonds in a food processor or really strong blender.Pulse until your dates, macadamia nuts, and almonds are in small chunks and transfer to a mixing bowlAdd in all remaining ingredients. Using your hands mix well to ensure an even coating of everythingOnce mixed, using parchment paper, flatten out your mixture to the size of bars your want or you can use individual ziploc bags and form them inside the bagPlace in refrigerator and let cool, then enjoyIf these don’t taste like apple pie to you, then play with the spices, you can add some nutmeg or cloves and mix the flavors around. The possibilities are endless but make sure you come back and let me know what you used :)

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