The weather is getting nice and its time to start showing off some skin! And there is no better way to get that body ready that to get involved with the BCF PALEO CHALLENGE! This is a challenge to see if you are able to stay to a strict ancestral/paleo diet. What is a paleo diet? It's eating the way we ate back in the caveman days: Meats, Vegetable, Good Fats, Some Fruits, Little Starch, NO Sugar, NO GRAINS (of any kind), and No Dairy. Our bodies were designed to eat this way, not all the processed stuff that's out there today all made for convenience. This challenge is an 8 week event in which we take before pictures and after pictures. The only rule is that you MUST post everything you ate and drank for the whole week on the Sunday of that week. If you forget, then you are out! Winners are picked by change in the pictures voted on by the members in the gym and finally by the owners! Body Fat, Scales, Tape Measures, etc are not used because they can be tampered with to work in your favor. This is about dedicating your eating to your health. See if you can do it!!! Our opening lecture and pictures will be on May 1st. Care to join us? Let us know at the gym or via email...Strength: CleansWOD: “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 of squat cleans, ring dips.Rx: 135/95, L2: 70% 1RM, L1: 65/35Recovery: :30 sec each of mature ring hold, knee to chest, L-sit[fbphotos id=318441171561884]