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April 4, 2014

4/5 "Saturday"

Saturday's Movements: (Yay! Our Partner WODS are starting up again!)Strength: ThrustersWOD and Partner WOD: KB Swings, Chin ups, Box Jump Overs, DB SnatchesMember News recap from this last weekRetail Orders:-Stronger Faster Healthier orders will be placed on a monthly basis, look for another order spreadsheet to come out in the near future!-We're ordering RX Bars by next week, Monday, the 7th! Add your name to the order here> Classes: -Don't forget to RSVP and check-in to classes! If you think you'd like to attend or you're not going to make it by the cut-off time, email or call us!-Our Olympic Lifting Classes start tomorrow! There's still some time left to register!-Our Rowing Club, led by our favorite rowing expert, Ryan Groth, starts May 1st and goes for 8 weeks. To sign up, log into your zen planners and click on the "sign up" tab on the left hand side of the screen. You will find the rowing club option at the bottom of the screen. The cost is $20.00Events: -Join us on April 23rd, at 7:30pm, for our "You Are What You Eat" nutrition talk! >>

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