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May 14, 2014

5/15 "Thursday"

Strength: Hang SnatchT2BWOD: HS holdJumping LungesHollow RocksPush UpsSlam BallsA great testimonial from one of our members, Mark Kashtan:

"Community is a word that gets used a lot at BCF. I know it’s one of the first words I use when people ask me about Crossfit. “It’s a great workout, for sure, but the best part is really the sense of community.” And while I say that word and I feel what it means, I don’t spend too much time really thinking about it. That changed, however, after an experience I had last month. It was New Year’s Day, and I was on my way to meet some BCFers at Bradford Beach for the Polar Bear Plunge. Little did I know I was not fated to make it there. It had snowed several inches the night before, and the roads were not yet well cleared. Turning on to highway 43 I hit a patch of slush and slid across the on ramp, my front left wheel hopping a hard curb. I immediately parked and got out to assess the damage. At first glance it seemed fine – no flat, no body damage, nothing. Thinking I had gotten lucky, I got back in the car and began to drive. After half a mile it became apparent the car was not fine – it was repeated pulling left or right suddenly and without warning. I pulled over again, this time in a precarious position on a one lane exit ramp from highway 43 to interstate 94. As I called up a tow truck, a Sheriff’s deputy pulled up behind me, BCF’s own Sarah Byers! Turning her lights on she escorted me off the freeway – capable of going only about 5 miles an hour with my car jerking left and right, I don’t know that I would have been able to get off any other way. It struck me then that this was the second time in the last year my car broke down on the freeway, and the second time also that someone from BCF stopped to help me (last year Greg Hildebrand stopped to help when my old truck finally gave up on the way to a BCF snow tubing WOD – I’m tough on cars, I know). All this made me really think of what a community was – a group of people that you know and care about, who you celebrate the good times with and who help you out when you’re in need. I was lucky the day that Sarah was there, and lucky last year when Greg was. But it is thanks to Badger Crossfit that I know them both, and have had the chance to feel like part of a true community since moving here from California two and half years ago. I don’t know where they’ll send me when I graduate from medical school in 18 short months (doctors don’t really get to choose where they do their residency training), but if I end up leaving Milwaukee, I know BCF and the wonderful community Tyler and Amy have built here will undoubtedly be what I miss the most."

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