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May 1, 2014

5/2 "Friday"

Strength: Deadlift, L-SitWOD: Box Jumps, Sumo Deadlift Pulls (Or power cleans)Member News: That's right, BCF is invading Miller Park again!Day and Time: 2:00pm, June 14th If you missed last year's Brewer outing you missed quite a show. We played beer darts, drank home brew and got to know fellow athletes. This year will be no different.We'll meet at BCF around 2:00pm and take a bus over to the stadium. We also ask that each person brings a dish to pass.This event is open to all BCF athletes and their families.Tickets will be $20 plus sales tax.Please make sure to RSVP no later than May 16th. We need to have a firm count to order tickets in time.More details to follow once we have the tickets.ENTER IN TICKET QTY NEEDED HERE: your sleep. Getting 8 hours of sleep is good but getting 8 hours of GOOD sleep is even better. Mark Sisson from Mark’s Daily Apple and Dave Asprey from Bulletproofexec both have some great insight into getting good sleep. Below are some bits and pieces from their research.What To Do At NightLight:The Risk Of Getting Your Lights Wrong"Exposure to the blue spectrum of light is known to suppress production of melatonin for up to 4 hours, which interferes with sleep. Even worse, it doesn’t take much light to cause the effect.• Turn off bright lights before bed• Stop using compact fluorescent lights (those curly bulbs) because they give off unhealthy amounts of blue spectrum and cause eye strain• Switch to amber or red bulbs, which have no blue spectrum• Wear orange-tinted glasses (not the sexiest item in my wardrobe)• Stop staring at bright screens for two-plus hours before bed• Black out your sleeping area by taping over LEDs or unplugging (it’s important to sleep in a pitch black room). If you’re traveling, you can carry electrical tape while staying in hotels to tape over the omnipresent blue LEDs that can ruin sleep."**Many have experienced that making these small changes caused a profound difference in sleepBody:"-Go to bed by 11:00pm when possible because your body creates a cortisol surge after 11:00pm.-Don’t exercise within 2 hours of bedtime, unless it’s relaxing yoga or something similar."**"-Clear your mind. Meditation is great or you could make a to-do list for the following day so that you don’t lie awake obsessing over everything."*What To Do In The Morning:Lights:"In the morning, tell your body that it’s daytime so it will wake up. Brighter lights make a difference — we know that blue light can be helpful in the morning to raise your energy. Halogen lights are most like natural sunlight, although they are not “full-spectrum” bulbs. “**What to do with your Body:“Do not hit snooze, sleep for five minutes, hit it again, sleep for five more, and keep doing that until you can will yourself to rise and stumble off to begin your day. You may think you’re effectively chipping away at sleep debt with those little bits and pieces of “sleep,” but you’re really just fragmenting your sleep which leads to “sleepiness-related daytime impairment,” compulsory afternoon caffeine infusions, and less productivity. If you hit snooze today, you’ll probably end up sleeping badly enough to have to hit it again tomorrow.”*“Before “the day” starts, you get some physical activity. Go for a short walk (great way to get some light, too!) with the dog, do a light stretching or movement routine for five minutes, dance to your morning playlist as you get ready for work, roughhouse with your kids, swing a light kettle bell for a few minutes, whatever. You don’t even have to work up a sweat or anything if you don’t want to. Just move a little.”*What To Do During The Day"-Our bodies get confused when we are in office buildings under fluorescent lights; they put out less light then they seem to, so your eyes detect that there is enough light, but your brain knows otherwise. The result is eye strain, and your circadian rhythm is disrupted."**"-A wonderful way to prevent day time sleepiness and keep your circadian rhythm intact is to go for a walk outside in bright sunlight at lunch or — if you can't — set up a halogen light in your workplace. When it starts to get dark outside, use a lower wattage light, so your body gets the signal that it is no longer the middle of the day."**Supplements and food:-Stop drinking all Caffiene by 2:00pm-Try up to 1 Tbsp of raw honey before bed on an empty stomach. Your brain uses liver glycogen (carb storage) at night, and raw honey replenishes this supply and can create stable glucose levels for hours.*,**"If you are looking for additional natural supplements and home remedies to improve your sleep quality, there are several potent ones I’ve written about to try. Here are my favorites:• Gaba: good for its natural calm and relaxation effects• Valerian: a powerful herb for sleep, insomnia, and anxiety (Warning: It smells bad and may make you feel groggy in the morning. Don’t use it every night.)• Passion flower: an herbal supplement that acts like Valerian, but less intense• Kava stress relief tea: (like chamomile on steroids)• Natural Calm Magnesium: or other forms except Magnesium Oxide: (Brush your teeth after drinking; it’s acidic.)• 5-HTTP: stimulates more natural melatonin production, which makes you sleepier"***Mark Sisson** Dave Asprey

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