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May 21, 2013

5/20 "Motivation Monday"

<This weeks skill: Strict L-sits on bar (3xME), strict toes-to-bar x10. Then Review snatch.Strength: 7X1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.WOD: 4 rounds of 15 hang power snatch (75/55), 10 strict pullups, 20 burpees on plate.Rx: Use rings for pull-ups (must touch ring to chest)[learn_more caption="NEWS"]We celebrate Dave and Becca on their amazing accomplishment of being revealed on Extreme Makeover: Weightloss.Dave and Becca have been members and trained with us for almost a year to get to where they are! Watch their PREMIERE episode on May 28 from your home or with the BCF crew at 2562 N 61st Street, Milwaukee, WI 53213 at 7:00pm. Feel free to bring a Paleo Snack or Treat to the Premier party!Spoiler alert for this month CFFB from Troy Peterson (as some have asked for it):5/23/13 (Thursday) – CFFB Total (3 attempts at 1RM at each lift: Squat, Powerclean, Bench & Deadlift. In that order. Might run a couple minutes later that day, FYI.5/30/13 (Thursday) – NFL combine day. Will pull 3-5 drills/tests that prospects are put through prior to the Draft. We’ll see if anyone compares to an average punter coming out of college…..***Do you have UnitedHealthCare for your health insurance? If so, you may be entitled to fitness center reimbursement. BCF is a registered facility and you could get back $20 every month per person from UHC for attending > 12 times a month![/learn_more]

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