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May 20, 2014

5/21 Tuesday

A great reminder on why we NEED to hydrate!

Strength: bench press, pendlay rowWOD: run, dead lifts, med ball sit ups.Ryan's do-it-yourself RWOD!Warmup - Pick drill, then row 5 minutes feet out, work progressively to harder pulls with S/M 26-28Then3 x 1000m sprint w/ 4 min restMember News: Those of you that signed up for the Brewers Games(You should have received an email from us! If you didn't, please let us know, and here's the info!):Ticket orders are now closed! Any additional members that are interested in attending are welcome to participate but will have to buy separate tickets!Those of you that put in ticket orders, we will be charging 20.00 +sales tax(per ticket) to your zen planner accounts by noon, on Wed, May 20th. We prefer that these payments be made electronically, so if you don't have a card on file or have a compromised card please log in some time today or tomorrow to add a working payment method.If you'd like to pay with cash or check, please reach out so that we can mark this down!We'd also love for you to bring some sort of dish or drink! If you can, please mark down what you're planning to bring here>

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